Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Out with the old, in with the new.

So it's already been 1 year since I started this blog. My entries have been random and far in between, something I'm not proud of. I am proud of my work on Life in Boxes though, so there's that silver lining.

I just re-read my very first entry, which talks about my New Year's Resolutions for 2007. Looking back on it, I think 07 was quite an interesting year. I got my first real-world job, I started 2 blogs, I started running (and liking it), I had a lot of fun, I got my heart broken (kinda), and I re-discovered how kick-ass my friends are. A couple of things bogged me down in December, but for all the positives that happened in the year, I'm ready to look at the new year with a new perspective.

For 2008, I vow to:
* reach my target weight loss goal
* have a new job, new career
* log in 624 miles of running (I knocked out 3 today, so 621 more to go)
* run a 5K
* encourage/make everyone I know and who are eligible to to go out and VOTE.
* go on at least 1 international trip (LONDON), at least 1 continental trip
* work on my screenplay and/or short story
* continue writing in this blog as well as in Life in Boxes

All seems do-able. We will see. I love the fresh start of a New Year.


jlc said...

Found your site through Life in Boxes... you guys have a good thing going on there... gives me a taste of jersey while I'm away from home.

Care to blogroll with me? haha now that sounds interesting.

jlc said...

Also forgot to mention that u have one of your goals covered with traveling to PARIS!!!!

And 3 mi every other day is sick. I can only do 2. Bravo my dear bravo.

Miss Paula said...

I enjoyed Harry Potter, too!

and Amelie! another story with a great ending.

I sort of randomly found you since I also live in Palisades Park...

Anyway, Stay Cool. :o)