Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This is my boyfriend Danny. After spending a many Valentine's Days with my wifey and girlfriends, this year I got to spend it with that cutie in Philly. It was.. perfect. It was our first overnight trip, and considering we haven't been dating that long, I thought I was going to be nervous, but surprisingly enough, we've become so comfortable with each other that it was seriously the best day/weekend/trip ever. I'm obviously not gonna write about the details of our trip here, cause I'm not gonna be *that* girl. However, I will say this. The reason why this was the best V-Day ever wasn't because the hotel we stayed at was amazing, or we had delicious food, or even that I spent 30+ hours with a boy I heart. It is because I'm with a boy who makes me feel like this is how every single girl in the world should be treated, and he makes me feel that way everyday. So.. as cliche as this holiday is, I hope everyone got to spend it with the ones they love! Sweet, sweet, sweet. <3